Projects created in early versions of Etoys may not work as expected in newer versions.
Etoys Projects and Downloads
- Squeakland Squeak Etoys Website.
- Etoys Illinois Project repository hosted by University of Illinois.
- Student projects in Squeak for the OLPC XO Software Architecture Group, Hasso Plattner Institute.
- Project Collection.
- ameso - The Antikythera Mechanism on Squeak EToys Project emulating the Antikythera Mechanism created by Diomidis D. Spinellis.
- Squeak Etoys Scripting blog example projects hosted at GitHub.
Etoys Blogs, Videos and Other Resources
- SqueakJS
- Bert Freudenberg's YouTube videos.
- Mr. Steve's Science
- Steve Thomas' YouTube videos.
- Squeak Etoys twitter.
- Physical Etoy's Official YouTube playlist. Links for this version of Etoys are broken unfortunately.
- Etoys DIY YouTube videos uploaded by MSTEOffice
- Waveplace Course: Basic Etoys
- Documentation for Dr. Geo
- OLPC Wiki page on Etoys
- Kedama:A GUI-based Interactive MassivelyParallel Particle Programming System Pdf written by Yoshiki Ohshima author of the Particles object.
Squeak and Smalltalk Links
- The Weekly Squeak
- Squeak By Example Introductory guide to Squeak.
- Terse Guide to Squeak
- Squeak from the very start A series of YouTube video tutorials by Lawson English.
- Cog Blog Developer blog about Smalltalk VM's.
- Pharo Another open source Smalltalk implementation.
General Programming Resources
- Rosetta Code Solutions to common programming tasks presented in multiple languages.
- Babbage's Bag Collection of general programming articles at I Programmer.
- Math is Fun Easy to understand site illustrating common mathematics concepts.
- GP Blocks General purpose programming language optimized to create visual programming blocks. Most of the libraries, tools and programming environment written in GP Blocks itself. The team is currently lead by Scratch developer John Maloney and has included Snap developer Jens Mönig and Smalltalk/Squeak/Etoys developer Yoshiki Ohshima.
Last Updated September 22, 2021.