This is one of the rare occasions you will need to turn the eToyFriendly preference off. Right click on the World object, select the menu icon and select preferences. Either search for eToyFriendly or click on the scripting category and uncheck the button on the left of eToyFriendly. Now left clicking on the World object brings up the World menu but other mouse actions remain the same. Right click on the object you want to save as an image and select the menu icon in it's halo. You will now see an export option in the menu list. Select one of the graphic file formats and then you'll be prompted for a file name. Type in a name, click accept and the file will be saved in the local Etoys directory. Unless you are curious you may want to re-enable eToyFriendly.
Disabling the eToyFriendly preference adds many extra menus and options. This is useful if you are using Etoys for development or want to make changes to the Etoys environment. Having eToyFriendly enabled helps prevent accidentally saving alterations to the Etoys image. Of course, you can always make back ups of the Etoys app and experiment away.
Last Updated.