January 15, 2017

Save and Save Often

Etoys doesn't save over projects but keeps a copy of every save. When you click on the Project load button you'll see a list of each project's last save in the local Etoys directory. Hold the mouse button down on it and you get options to find a project(more places) and find any file. When you pick the more places option you will see all the different versions of your saved projects. The find any file directory window will only display file types that Etoys recognizes but you can change directories and drives. When Etoys finds files it recognizes the tabs on the directory window will be highlighted. Text files dropped on an Etoys project will open in a small window and may be edited and saved.

Because the Etoys project window is so interactive it is easy to do something unintentional so the ability to reload earlier versions of projects is invaluable. I often don't bother saving throw away projects when I'm just fiddling around with something but for anything serious I try to name it and save it early. Pressing ctrl-z can often undo a recent action and most objects can be retrieved out of the trash when deleted manually. Notably script editors cannot. Beware any tile or option that contains either the word erase or destroy because it means exactly that. The object will vanish and all it's scripts go with it.

When closing Etoys the user is not reminded to save projects. Users are only prompted to save when they have done something to alter the Etoys image itself. This isn't likely on default preferences because Etoys is designed to protect users from inadvertently altering the image. Although the dialog uses the word publish rather than save, projects are saved locally by default. The option to publish to the Squeakland Showcase server is unavailable for the time being.

Last Updated.