To select multiple objects hold down the shift key and drag to enclose them with a selection rectangle. You can then delete them all or perform some limited operations with them. The selection rectangle's menu provides some alignment options. This is a temporary grouping and only lasts until the mouse is clicked somewhere else on the screen. Objects must be dragged by the embedding icon and dropped in other objects to create a permanent grouping. The receiving object must be set to accept drops through the object's menu options.
The supply flap holds the grab and lasso tools. Grab will capture a rectangular patch of the screen and the lasso tool grabs a patch drawn free hand. The resulting copy is a Sketch object and may be dropped, moved and interacted with like any other Sketch. You can edit it in the Paint tool. I like to make the Sketch's background transparent by filling it with no color. Unlike embedding them in other objects, individual objects captured this way will no longer be accessible by their icon halo.
Last Updated.